فلسفة العمل

ال company has always adhered to the "quality" for survival, reputation, as the leading business philosophy, has an excellent team of engineers, perfect production equipment and after-sales service.

خدمة ما بعد البيع والمساعدة الفنية

After-sale service and technical assistance: company provides after sales service and technical assistance as per customers' requirement and needs with response within 24 hours.

خدمة شخصية

ضمان الجودة ، وأسعار reaasonable ، وخدمة بلد المنشأ ، والموظفين الفنيين الخبرة ، وأداء المنتج الممتاز.


الre are emergency stocks for regular size perennially.This to save time for you.

We Have ال Best Solutions for Your Business

Shandong Lisheng Machinery Co., Ltd. is a new generation enterprise dedicated to the hardware industry. It is located in Jining City, Shandong Province, the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. ال company is a professional hardware supporting enterprise integrating design, research and development, production and sales. ال main products are chains, wire ropes and their accessories: shackles, turn buckles, clips, rings, snap hooks and other forgings and castings, and accept drawings and samples for processing.

إقرأ المزيد

ال Importance of a Reliable Anchor Chain

A ship's سلسلة مرساة plays a critical role in ensuring the vessel's stability and safety while at rest. A reliable سلسلة مرساة provides the necessary strength and support to withstand the forces exerted by wind, waves, and currents. It acts as a vital link between the ship and the anchor, transmitting the anchor's holding power to keep the vessel secure.

To ensure the سلسلة مرساة's reliability, it must be constructed from high-quality steel and designed to withstand the harsh marine environment. ال chain's size and weight are determined based on the ship's size and requirements, with larger ships typically requiring thicker and heavier chains. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to identify any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage that could compromise the chain's integrity. By prioritizing the reliability of the سلسلة مرساة, ships can anchor with confidence and maintain their position even in challenging conditions.

How does the سلسلة مرساة determine the length?

ال length of the سلسلة مرساة is typically determined by the depth of the water and the size of the ship. In shallow water, a shorter سلسلة مرساة may be sufficient, while in deeper water a longer chain may be needed. ال chain may also be adjusted by adding or removing links as needed to suit the specific anchoring conditions.

In addition to holding the ship in place, the سلسلة مرساة also helps to absorb the shock of waves and other forces that may act on the vessel. It acts as a buffer between the anchor and the ship, helping to reduce the strain on both components. This is especially important in rough seas, where the forces acting on the ship can be very high.

صيانة ورعاية سلسلة المرساة

Proper maintenance and care are essential to ensure the longevity and reliability of the سلسلة مرساة. Regular inspections are necessary to identify any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. ال chain should be cleaned, lubricated, and protected against corrosion to mitigate the effects of the harsh marine environment.

بالإضافة إلى عمليات الفحص البصري ، يتم إجراء اختبارات وقياسات شد منتظمة لتقييم قوة السلسلة وسلامتها. يجب إصلاح أي روابط تالفة أو بالية أو استبدالها على الفور للحفاظ على أداء السلسلة. يعد التخزين والمناولة المناسبان في خزانة السلسلة أمرا بالغ الأهمية أيضا لمنع التشابك أو العوائق عند نشر المرساة أو استردادها.

ال structural properties of the سلسلة مرساة

ال سلسلة مرساة consists of many chain links, and the size is expressed in chain diameter (mm). According to whether there is a strut in the middle of the chain ring, it is divided into nailed سلسلة مرساة and nailless سلسلة مرساة. Anchor chains can be made by forging, casting and welding.

ال marine سلسلة مرساة is composed of several "sections" (shackles), each section is 25.0-27.5 meters long, and the sections are connected by chain links or shackles. After the anchor is lifted, the chain is stored in the chain locker in the bow. ال specifications of the سلسلة مرساة are determined according to the ship construction standard.

ماذا يقول المستخدمون عنا

أنا راض جدا عن المنتج عالي الجودة والاستجابة السريعة والاهتمام الذي يقدمه هذا البائع والشركة ، شكرا لك!

إرسال Quikly ، اتصال جيد جدا ، كل شيء على ما يرام ، دون مشكلة.

نوعية جيدة جدا ، شحن سريع وآمن ، لا شيء لتحسين

بائع رائع! دائما على الانترنت ومفيدة. تسليم سريع ، تعبئة جيدة جدا وآمنة.

هل لديك أي أسئلة؟

What is an سلسلة مرساة used for?

ال anchoring equipment of a ship comprises the anchor, سلسلة مرساة and the windlass. ال anchoring equipment as required herewith is intended for temporary mooring of a ship within a harbour or sheltered area when the ship is awaiting berth, tide etc.

How long should your سلسلة مرساة be?

Determining how long your anchor rode should be is as simple as multiplying the deepest water you expect to anchor in by 8. As for rope size, the rule of thumb is 1/8" of rope diameter for every 9' of boat length.

What does an سلسلة مرساة do?

والغرض الأساسي منه هو توفير آلية للسفن والقوارب للاحتفاظ بمواقعها إما أثناء عمليات الرسو والرسو في الموانئ ، أو للمنشآت البحرية الكبيرة مثل منصات النفط شبه الغاطسة لتظل ثابتة فوق رواسب النفط.

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